Hi there,
I’m Bren, and I assess, advise and design brands.
And no true assessment or critique is ever complete without the proposition of constructive solutions, or anything considered better than your current operations. I specialise in assessment consultations which provide various tools and teams with implementation necessary for development.
Depending on your preference, I mediate and project-manage brand cultural engineering. Call me the Great Conductor— I have a knack for knowing how the various instruments of branding should play, to produce a memorable symphony of an experience.
Brands are like people, and the last time I checked, the acceptable and wholesome thing to do is to be worth interacting with. When we collide with you, whether randomly or by fate, the influence you bear must be indelibly weighty and helpful to the pathway of life.
The same applies to brands.
Bren, Brand + Culture Architect
I live to design thoughtful cultures around notable ideas.
C U R I O S I T Y — the strong desire to be inquisitive and probe into the DNA of various brands; appreciating art and science, whilst employing foundational principles for existing and upcoming brands, and as necessary seeking completely new frontiers.
P U R P O S E F U L — Every action in branding must be backed with the intentional purpose of building powerful cultures and a great impact economy where both people, products and technology merge for the common good.
C U L T U R E — Some brands enhance culture. Some brands are also the culture that we seek. At TB, we aim to project the latter, encouraging brands to be great contributors of wholesome ideologies, values, loyalties and agendas.
C R E A T I V I T Y — Every project has a personality worth being audacious about. Through the use of art and technology, we’re masters in creative design that solves problems.
E X C E L L E N C E — Every client deserves distinction; and every current project is the piped piper for the next.
S I M P L I C I T Y — Whether with reference to an idea being sold, the design elements which enhance it’s delivery, or the systems that feed the culture, the key is to create brands that serve people with ease and clarity.
How We Began
Taygo Bren was founded in 2014, after my first year of employment in commercial architecture and construction. Whilst waiting on the next career contract, I began making profit from what looked like a hobby. My ambition at the time of inception was to create insight-driven graphics for small businesses and organisations. With the help of a client, who noticed how I had an approach with questions and research, the company evolved into a focused consultancy and brand studio.
Over the past decade, I and my purposefully intimate team have guided brands into forming strong identities, fostering growth, and standing the test of time.
At the heart of every move has remained this mantra— to help the world deploy ideas that rule.
For every project, a fraction of the revenue is dedicated to providing educational scholarships to students, and their families in the United Kingdom and Ghana.