Beyond Branding

At Taygo Bren, we promise to contribute to quality education for youth between the ages of 12 and 21 years, within Ghana and the United Kingdom.

Without additional measures, by 2030:

84 Million children and youth will be out of school.

300 Million students will lack basic numeracy/literacy skills.

Only 1 in 6 countries will achieve universal secondary school completion target.

In accordance with the United Nation’s SDGs, myself and the team make a commitment towards educational advancement. We trust that many young people will be able to participate in the vital privilege of education, without being bullied by any form of financial inadequacy.

Through the avenue of scholarships and termly educational living care packages, we are committed to helping one more child and undoubtedly one more family smile in the face of impossibilities.

Embedded within every stroke of our creativity is the opportunity to impact a young person’s formation through education. A favourable percentage of each project revenue goes towards this cause. Clients may further opt in to sponsoring a specific measure of care packages.

This scheme targets UK students, Commonwealth students studying in the UK, and families in Ghana, all of particular critieria.

I personally know how it feels, and essentially together with our partners and clients, want to make happen for others, what was not so possible for me, sometime ago.

We’re going somewhere.

Beyond Branding x